Transition – Part I


March – April, 2018

As we reflected on our adventures over the previous 12 months we realized that we had spent only about 2 months in our house. The logical question was “why have a house” and the apparent answer was that we shouldn’t. It was time to sell the house and transition to full-time RVing. But, getting ready to put the house on the market required a considerable amount of work. There were maintenance issues to address, real estate agents to interview, appraisals to obtain, cleaning to be done, and of course determining what we wanted to keep. So, that’s how we spent the end of March and majority of April. By the end of April we had reached a point where we couldn’t live in the house any longer so we packed up the RV and camped at Compass RV Park in nearby St. Augustine.

Compass RV Park is very nice with convenient access to the town and beaches. We stayed in a new section called “The Oasis” that had large paver sites and the added bonus of being very quiet.

In between running back and forth to the house, we were able to do some fun things in & around St. Augustine like dining at our favorite two restaurants: Collage and Columbia Restaurants.

Finally, the last couple of pre-listing “ToDos” were complete and the time came for us to start our summer 2018 trip beginning at Camp Gulf in Miramar Beach, FL. Little did we know what trouble we could get into….

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